Community League Day-Fall Fun!

September 16, 2023 Games, photo scavenger hunt, activities and more! Crafts, games and sports1:00 – 4:00 PMAllard Rink and Fields Allard Community League Public MeetingName, Boundaries and Bylaws4:00 – 4:30 PMDr. Lila Fahlman School
Summer Maintenance – Did You Know?
Homeowner Responsibilities The Zoning Bylaw requires that residential property owners landscape any front or side yards that are visible from a public street. For new homes, this must be done within 18 months of occupancy. According to the Zoning Bylaw, there are only certain materials that homeowners can use to landscape. These are: HOA Responsibilities […]
Vision Zero Public Engagement
The City of Edmonton is exploring a Vision Zero Street Lab in Allard after hearing about street safetyconcerns in the area. Vision Zero Street Labs use adaptable traffic calming measures to address trafficsafety concerns such as unsafe speeds, shortcutting, and pedestrian safety. The City would like to explore residents’ perspectives and gain insights into their […]
Reminder to pay outstanding 2023 fees
Hello Allard Residents, please watch for your 2023 mailout package which will arrive in mid-July, it will include your 2023 HOA invoice along with AGM information and the President’s report. Reminder to please pay for any outstanding fees. Moving, or renting out your residence? Please contact us or email us your new address at so we […]
Home Owners Association Webinar Invitation – July 13, 2023
The City of Edmonton invites all Home Owners’ Association (HOA) members to sign up for the July 13 webinar! Participants will learn about the maintenance services the City provides to HOAs. Topics will include: Enhanced Landscape Program, Environmental Policies, Naturalization, Maintenance Agreement and more! Please sign up for the webinar at Date: Thursday, July […]
Allard Community League presents Canada Day
Join the community on Saturday, July 1, 2023, for an afternoon event with face painting, crafts, a bouncy castle, and a BBQ. Free entry, 3:00 – 7:00PM at the Dr. Lila Fahlman School park
Edmonton Safety Road Program
We are looking for any feedback from residents who may live in an area that they feel have unsafe roadways – can you please help us identity any problems areas that may have the following: Streets that are Unsafe to Cross Drivers going too fast Lack of marked crosswalk Areas in which the speed limit […]
Pathway Snow and Ice Cleaning Reminder for Allard Residents
Dear Allard Residents, With summer gone and winter around the corner we wanted to clear up some inquiries from Allard residents regarding who is responsible for their property when it comes to landscaping and snow removal for residents. We do receive A LOT of emails regarding the boulevard and how it is not being kept up. It […]
2022 Information Package update
Hello Residents of Allard, In preparing your mail out packages we noticed an error on the budget for the year. This resulted in us having to re-package some of the envelopes. When you receive your envelope, you may notice that it has been open and then re-sealed with tape. This was the board replacing the […]
Save the date! – Allard HOA Virtual AGM
The Allard HOA Virtual AGM will be taking place on September 27, 2022. RSVP to by September 16, 2022